About Us

  Helping you to express yourself   Organic ink INKHUB tattoos are produced by using the juice of a special edible fruit. It has been used for thousands of years all around the world, and it’s also in use in the food and cosmetics industry and by leading temporary tattoo artists. Breaking The Old Mindset Breaking the t

About Us


Helping you to express yourself


Organic ink

INKHUB tattoos are produced by using the juice of a special edible fruit. It has been used for thousands of years all around the world, and it’s also in use in the food and cosmetics industry and by leading temporary tattoo artists.

Breaking The Old Mindset

Breaking the taboo of having a tattoo on your body is the first bold move one can make, towards proving self worthiness.

Say Bye Bye to Commitment and Pain

2 week tattoo stays on your body for 2 weeks and gradually fade away, which is painless process, unlike the traditional machine tattoos.

Express Yourself-It just speaks to you

A tattoo is like a snapshot of an idea, feeling, or memory that you want to carry with you forever. It’s visual proof that something—or someone—really happened. Whether you get the tattoo because you’re afraid you might forget or because you know you never will, your tattoo is full of meaning.